If you are facing the front of the 2101 building, Motion Fitness is located on the back left corner (West Side). You will pull through the middle of the 2101 building, take a left, and go down the hill to the big parking lot. Parking is free behind or to the side of the building and you will enter at Motion Fitness. Once you're in, you can tell the front desk you're there to see me and they'll show you where to go. If no one is up front, I'm office #119 - walk towards the main area of the gym and you'll see me on the left side! If you're there early, I may still be with another patient - feel free to explore/have a seat and I'll open the door as soon as I'm ready for you!

Synthesis Physical Therapy - Motion Fitness

2101 Rexford Rd - West Side, Office 119 - Within Motion Fitness, Charlotte, NC, 28211-3477


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